Repair works within “Good Roads 2” project could start in March

All the tender contests for the reconstruction of roads are to be finished by the end of next February and the contracts are to be signed by the same time limit so that the works within the “Good Roads 2” project could start in March, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Kiril Gaburici was quoted by IPN as saying in the talk show “Issue of the Day” on Canal2 channel, IPN reports.

“Works to investigate the sectors will be performed during the next two months. It should be noted here that we want the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to become involved in this project to a greater extent. We want the mayors to have discussions with a representative part of locals so that they decide together what road portion should be repaired,” stated the minister.

Director general of the State Road Administration Gheorghe Curmei called on the local public authorities to start the discussions with the inhabitants so as to see what road should be repaired, what its importance is and how many citizens could benefit from this.

According to him, the range of works will be wider and will include road marking and sidewalk repair works. The safety of pedestrians will be ensured in some places. “We will also try to build lighting systems,” stated Gheorghe Curmei.

Under the project, 2,600 km of roads are to be repaired in all the country’s districts in 2019. A sum of 2 billion lei will be allocated from the Road Fund for repairing 1,600 km of roads. The other costs will be covered through the agency of international programs.

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