Renovated eatery opened at Chisinau lyceum

The eatery of the Theoretical Lyceum “Children’s Academy” situated in Râșcani district of Chisinau was opened after being extensively repaired. The renovation works lasted for half a year and cost the municipal budget 2 million lei, IPN reports.

According to the Chisinau City Hall, the cooking hall, storage facility and ventilation system were refurbished and the windows and doors were replaced. There were purchased new cooking and food storage equipment and prices of furniture.

“I’m glad that the conditions at this eatery were improved. We aim to modernize the cuisine services at the education institutions so as to create better conditions for all the children in the municipality,” acting mayor of Chisinau Ruslan Codreanu stated in the inaugural ceremony.

The cooking facilities of the Theoretical Lyceum “Children’s Academy” had been nonfunctional for several years.

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