Renewable energy consumption will be accounted for under the EU RED II Directive. This mechanism will allow annual monitoring and reporting, in line with European requirements, of the level of achievement of the national target of 27% of renewable energy in the energy mix by 2030 and other targets to be set later, IPN reports.
The Government today approved the new Regulation on the calculation of the consumption of energy from renewable sources, thus ensuring the full transposition into national law of the EU Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, known as RED II.
The aim of the authorities is to develop and implement a transparent, clear and standardized mechanism for calculating the consumption of energy from renewable sources and determining its share in gross final energy consumption, to apply until the end of 2050.
"The regulation will provide the possibility to measure real progress at country level on increasing the share of renewable energy in the national energy mix. At the same time, the benefits and points requiring intervention in the promotion of each type of renewable energy will be assessed," said Energy Minister Dorin Junghietu.
The calculation of renewable energy in the energy mix will be carried out by the National Center for Sustainable Energy, CNED, in the first semester for the previous year. At the same time, energy suppliers will have to provide end consumers with detailed data on the energy supplied. This includes information on the tariff package of services, details on the structure of the electricity they provide in the tariff package, and details on the consumption registered by the end consumer.