Registration for National Program “Investing in Teachers” 2024 launched

Teachers from national educational institutions are invited to register for the National Program “Investing in Teachers”, the 2024 edition. The Ministry of Education and Research launched the registration process this week, IPN reports.

According to Minister Dan Perciun, this year the approach to the program will be slightly modified. “We ask you to register and we will see who will be included. We will discuss with you what you expect from the training courses and will purchase exactly what you need,” the minister noted.

This time not only teachers, but also students and parents will be included in the process. The minister urged teachers to register on the Ministry’s website. A selection will be made later.

There are places for about 4,000 teachers in the program and the Ministry expects to cover up to 100 educational institutions.

Last year, 60 institutions and 3,000 teachers registered.

Through the National Program “Investing in Teachers”, teachers will benefit from free in-service training that will include hours of direct contact with trainers, hours of individual study and hours of mentoring and counseling for each educational institution.

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