Three months after launching the regional Campaign against beating children “Notice me. Hear me. Help me!” the Moldovan entitled institutions have not managed to develop sufficiently the mechanisms of dealing with cases of domestic violence. Such declarations have been made at a sitting of the press club of the campaign, on Thursday, January 29, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“There is neither clear lever that would facilitate prompt solving of cases of abusing children, nor the population is prepared to report such cases,” Daniela Samboteanu-Popescu, the head of the National Center for child abuse prevention (CNPAC), says.
Viorica Dumbraveanu, deputy minister of social protection, family and child, specified that, though Moldova has a stable legislative framework, it is necessary to strengthen the institutional framework on the territorial level in order to make the campaign more efficient.
The problem of violence is still alarming law-enforcement bodies. Eugen Rusu, the chief of the analysis, forecast and elaboration department of the General Prosecutor’s Office, specified that, though less cases of abuse and child trafficking occurred in 2008, the problem of violence continues to lag behind in Moldova.”
According to Veaceslav Luca, a project assistant at the Child Rights Information and Documentation Center (CIDDC), “the most efficient checks on observing the child’s rights are performed by children themselves from those 12 districts of the country participating in the campaign, who are less influenced by the environment and are more sincere, as they report the situation as they see it with their own eyes.”
The regional campaign against beating children “Notice me. Hear me. Help me!” launched in November, 2008, will last till March, 2009. The main goal is reducing violence against children, especially, humiliating punishments.
The campaign is unfolded by the National Center for Child abuse prevention, in partnership with the Ministry of Family and Child Protection and the Alliance of Active NGOs in the area of social protection, child and family. The campaign ‘Notice me. Hear me. Help me!” is supported by SOROS Foundation-Moldova, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the “Nobody Children” Foundation and the OAK Foundation.