Refugee John Onijel from Sierra Leone protests against discrimination and violation of human rights

John Onijel, who came to Moldova as a refugee from Sierra Leone several years ago, cannot obtain a travel permit. On February 22, he protested in front of the Government against the discrimination and violation of the fundamental human rights. John Onijel said he asked the Migration Department to issue the given document for several times, but it made only promises, Info-Prim Neo reports. John Onijel came to Moldova in 1998 and received the registration certificate in 2006. He learned the Romanian language, has the right to work and a small business – sells newspapers and journals at the bus terminal in Chisinau. John said he does not live bad, but wants that his rights be respected. “I want to receive the travel permit. I'm always harassed by the migration police,” he said. The protest was supported by the Hyde Park Association. Oleg Brega, who is a member of the Association, said the state is obliged to issue John with the necessary document. “He can use this certificate for personal, business of health recovery trips. Even if he is a refugee and is not a citizen of Moldova, his rights should not be violated.” The protesters say they intend to take other measures. “The man did not file official applications, but knocked at different doors. He was harassed by the migration police that asked bribe from him. The protest is only a first step,” Brega said.

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