The five Russian diplomats were declared personas non grata in the Republic of Moldova based on information provided by the intelligence services. “I cannot tell you the names of these persons as the rules do not allow me to. They were declared non grata based on information we received from the intelligence services. So, it is a standard procedure,” Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in a news conference, quoted by IPN.
Pavel Filip noted the Republic of Moldova cares a lot about its relations with the Russian Federation and a lot was done to improve these relations in the course of last year and this year. “In concert with the colleagues from the Russian Federation, we approved a plan of measures to remove all the faced barriers and constraints, which were imposed by the Russian Federation – bans, customs duties and many others,” he stated.
The Premier referred also to the note about the poor communication on the banking fraud submitted to the Russian authorities, saying the Republic of Moldova hasn’t yet received an answer from the rogatory commissions. Pavel Filip also said there are many functionaries and representatives of the state who were treated abusively at airports in Russia, during official trips. “We treat with respect and care a lot about these relations, but want to be also treated with respect, even if we are a small country as we consider we are an important partner. Moreover, we form part of the Commonwealth of Independent States and there are rules that should be applied by all the countries of this community,” stated the Premier.
Five Russian diplomats were declared personas non grata in the Republic of Moldova. The Moldovan authorities didn’t provide details about the reasons for the expulsion. In reaction, President Igor Dodon said this is a revolting gesture by the government in relation to the Russian Federation, which is a strategic partner. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokeswoman Maria Zaharova also had a reaction. She said this is a paradoxical, but conclusive situation and it is evident that this has not connection with the work of the diplomats and shows how the situation develops in the Republic of Moldova.