A social-political movement from Moldova called „Ravnopravie” (Equality) registers Moldovan citizens willing to fight for South Ossetia. The announcement was made on Tuesday by its leader Valery Climenco, saying he had already enlisted 31 volunteers, Info-Prim Neo reports.
At a news conference , Climenco says the volunteers' intervention is not necessary for the moment, but he will contact the people on Ravnopravie's list in case of need. „I've talked personally with the president of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoyty, who has told me military volunteers are not needed for now.”
Pro-Russian Ravnopravie condemns the actions of the Georgian troops in South Ossetia, calling them “an act of genocide on the Ossetian people. Ravnopravie thinks an international court should be set up to ”prosecute the war crimes of the Georgian military in South Ossetia.”
Ravnopravie asks the Moldovan authorities to get out from GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova.)
The Russian embassy to Chisinau issued a press release as to the situation in South Ossetia, communicating the armed attack of the Georgian authorities on South Ossetia had been actively prepared for the last weeks. „... the Georgian military, assisted for years by military advisors, especially from the USA, killed civilians, including women and children, destroyed hospitals and schools, killed the injured. In this situation, Russia had to undertake adequate measures to enforce peace on the Georgian side and to defend the citizens of the Russian Federation, which make the largest part of the Ossetian population, and its peace-keeping contingent,” reads the statement.
Opposition political parties from Moldova expressed their concern with the conflict from South Ossetia, condemning the actions of the Russian Federation. The Moldovan Ministry of External Affairs announced on August 11 about Moldova's aligning to the statement of the French presidency of the European Union concerning the worsening situation in South Ossetia.