Rats at Phthisiopneumology Hospital existed earlier too, minister

The Ministry of Health examined the situation at the Phthisiopneumology Hospital in Chisinau and created a monitoring group. Minister Mircea Buga said rats at the given medical institutions existed in 2013-2014 too, IPN reports.

According to Mircea Buga, the specialists of the National Public Health Center together with which they travelled to the hospital examined the sanitary situation and issued a prescription containing the measures that must be taken to solve the problem. The section where rats were identified remains closed.

The minister said the hospital will be provided with new furniture and medical equipment by December 15. A new ventilation system will be built there and the contracts for the provision of prophylactic services will be renewed. Under an older order of the Ministry of Health, the persons suffering from tuberculosis will be admitted to the hospital in Vorniceni, Straseni.

On April 17, the Health Division of the Chisinau Municipal Council will finish the internal inquiry and will take the relevant decisions concerning the penalty that will be imposed on the hospital’s administration given that the institution is managed by the municipality. Inspections are carried out in a number of hospitals given that there were reported similar cases there.

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