Ratification of Association Agreement was greatest accomplishment of spring-summer session, PLR

The ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU was the most important accomplishment of the Parliament’s spring-summer session, members of the Liberal Reformist Party (PLR) said in a news conference. According to them, the initialing, signing and ratification of this accord was possible owing to the overcoming of the political crisis of last spring and the constitution of the new pro-European coalition, with the role of the PLR’s faction in this respect being decisive, IPN reports.

Among the accomplishments of Parliament, the party’s co-chairwomen Ana Gutu mentioned the passing in the final reading of the Education Code, which is a pragmatic document of major importance for the education system of Moldova.

“With the support of the Liberal-Reformist lawmakers, multiple bilateral conventions and agreements with European countries and with international organizations were ratified by Parliament. These accords will bring additional financing and will assist the Moldovan farmers. They support sustainable development, research and innovation as well as the public administration,” said Ana Gutu.

There were mentioned a number of important bills that are to be passed in the second reading, including the bill allowing the Moldovans from abroad to vote during two consecutive days and the bill dealing with the uncertain status of fruit-growing associations.

Also, the PLR put forward bills that weren’t yet discussed in Parliament. These are the bill concerning the exclusion of offshore companies from Moldova’s economic activity, the bill to introduce licenses for the transportation of parcels sent by Moldovans from abroad and the bill o protect the scientific reserves and natural resources.

  • ana gutu depsre realizarile din sesiunea parlamentara.mp3
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