Pushkin Museum House in danger because of nearby construction

A number of Russian ethnic organizations from Moldova are concerned about the fate of the A. Pushkin Museum House situated in Chisinau. Representatives of the organizations say the Museum House is in danger owing to the construction works carried out nearby, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Russian Embassy in Chisinau. According to them, the construction of an apartment building endangers the existence of the Museum House, whose walls started to crack and plaster to crumble. In this connection, the conference of organizations of Russian citizens submitted an application to the Government, Parliament and the Ministry of Culture, asking that they intervene and stop the construction of the apartment building. The signatories also ask for guarantees that the building will not be destroyed. The Pushkin Museum House in the municipality of Chisinau was founded in 1948. Original buildings where the great Russian poet lived and worked remained only in Saint Petersburg and in Chisinau.

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