Vocational schools and colleges started the admission period. Between July 2 and July 31, graduates of gymnasiums, middle schools of general culture and lyceums can submit their files to the admission committees, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The National Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy opened admission to all six qualifications offered by the institution. In order to avoid crowding, candidates who came on the first day made a list. Although the application date has no influence over the final results, the candidates say they have come on the first day as they thought there would be fewer people and they wanted to get rid of a worry. Others explained it was the beginning of the week and they had more free time. Supported by their parents, relatives and friends, the graduates analyzed the offers. Some came with their minds made up. “I chose the Medicine College to do my second faculty. I am currently a consultant in a drugstore and that is why I chose the specialization tester pharmacist”, said one of the candidates, Silvia Sava.
Ala Manolache, head of the Admission Committee of the National College of Medicine and Pharmacy, told Info-Prim Neo that the institutions planned to enroll 500 students this year. “We work on the basis of the same regulation since 2010, with the same requirements and a constant number of places. We’ll accept only 150 gymnasium graduates. Priority will be offered to graduates of middle schools of general culture, lyceums and secondary vocational education establishments”, said Ala Manolache. “Although each pupil who applies hopes to make the list of tuition-free places, only 326 will do so. 286 of these places are for lyceum graduates”, said Ala Manolache. The others will have to pay for their studies. The tuition fees vary between 6700 and 10,000 lei per year.
The Constructions College in Chisinau was less popular. Head of the admission committee Valeriu Pelivan told Info-Prim Neo that 360 tuition-free places and 170 contract places have been allotted for 2012-2013 in 7 specializations in constructions. The tuition fee is 5950 lei. Priority is given to graduates with gymnasium studies who will study 4 years in the college.
Valeria Lupan decided to follow on the footsteps of her elder sister, who graduated the Constructions College. “I chose the cadaster specialization because I had more chances to get a tuition-free place”, she admitted. Another candidate, Elena Buza, says that the college represented her, especially the Design specialization because it required creativity. Candidates for this specialization will have to pass an aptitude test on August 1-3.
Before noon, 15 applications were received at the Constructions College, while the National College of Medicine and Pharmacy registered 58 candidates. The admission plan of secondary vocational education (colleges) stipulates 11117 places, 5386 of which are tuition-free and 5731 contract-based. 78% of the tuition-free places (4415) are for gymnasium graduates, while the rest 22% (971 places) are for graduates of lyceums and middle schools of general culture. The colleges subordinated to the Ministry of Education will offer 3460 tuition-free places (23 more than in 2011) and 2735 contract-based places. Applicants can choose from a diversity of 79 specializations. The admission results will be announced on August 3. Should there remain unoccupied places, a repeated contest will be organized between August 4 and 8, 2012.