Public reaction to statements of MP Veaceslav Ionita

The Government’s reformation agenda, especially the fight against corruption in different areas, met with resistance. A manifestation of this resistance was the blocking of a number of laws, including in the commission on economy, budget and finance, shows a public message disseminated by Liliana Vitu-Esanu, who is the spokeswoman for Prime Minister Iurie Leanca, IPN reports, quoting the Government’s press service.

“The laws for which the Governemnt assumed political responsibility were drafted in cooperation with international financial institutions, which pleaded for the adoption of these laws as soon as possible. By the statements made today – a tempest in a teapot – Mister Ionita rather discredited himself than explained why he allowed blocking so important laws in the commission that he heads,” reads the message.

The reaction comes after Liberal-Democratic MP Veaceslav Ionita, who heads the Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance, told a news conference that the bills for which the Governemnt assumed political responsibility last week contain a number of schemes by which public money could be approached.

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