Public procurement at European standards

The national legal framework on public procurement will be adjusted to the European standards. The contracting authorities will be able to choose the winner by the lowest price or the most advantageous bid from technical-economic viewpoint. More time will be allotted for preparing and submitting offers, IPN reports.

Under the bill approved by the Government, the bids will be submitted within 20 calendar days of the publication of the announcement in the Public Procurement Bulletin and during at least 52 days of the forwarding of the announcement for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

There will be created the Challenge Examination Agency that will be managed directly by the Ministry of Economy. It is a new specialized public administration body that will contribute to preventing conflicts of interest that can appear in the work of the Public Procurement Agency.

The National Participation Council, which consists of representatives of the civil society, approved of the given changes, but recommended introducing the obligatory practice of using electronic platforms for fully monitoring the public procurement process. It asked for simplified access to basic information about public procurement, without certification and special user login for using the electronic tender platform.

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