Public debate: Bomb threats between dementia, infraction, terrorist act and (geo)politics

Press Release

on the organization of the debate ”Bomb threats between dementia, infraction, terrorist act and (geo)politics”. Public debates series held by the news agency IPN in its conference room with the support of the German Foundation “Hanns Seidel”

Held on 25 July 2022, Debate No.257 brought together: Zinaida Gribincea, expert in psychology, journalism and communication, Security expert Natalia Albu, Doctor of Political Science and Igor Boțan, IPN project’s standing expert.

Defining the terms, the standing expert of IPN’s project Igor Boțan said the “bomb scare” is usually a verbal or written threat to detonate an explosive device or to start a fire so as to cause damage, death, injury or fear. Either the threat is real or not, it is very dangerous. Among the reasons for the reports of bomb threats are: the farce, self-assertion, fury, manipulation, aggression, psychical and ideological distortions, causing of chaos, etc. Terrorism represents the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear among the population so as to achieve a particular political goal. Terrorism has been used by political organizations, such as revolutionary organizations, and even by states. For example, last autumn the pilots of an Irish plane were informed about the existence of an explosive device and they had to land the aircraft in Minsk.

“If politics is the art of government, we should realize that this art covers tactics, strategies, methods and means used to organize the power so as to achieve set objectives. In this connection, we should remember the war in Ukraine, where a state uses terror with regard to the population of another state so as to achieve geopolitical goals. The Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova, its Article 281 “Intentional misleading about acts of terrorism”, stipulates punishment for such acts in the form of a fine of 200 to 500 conventional units (a c.u. is equal to 50 lei, e.n.) or of a jail term of at most two years. Representatives of the law consider the legislation is too mild and should be reviewed so as to discourage such acts,” stated Igor Boțan.

Zinaida Gribincea, expert in psychology, journalism and communication, said the bomb threats are a serious danger to the whole society and to Moldova’s image in the world. “Bomb scares can be treated as an act of terribilism, but also as a very well-orchestrated and systematized act aimed at producing a particular effect in society. What happens now, in terms of social insecurity, shows that the acts of terribilism are excluded as we see particular consistent actions that are close in time. It does not go to actions isolated in time, but to actions that give the impression that they had been well-planned. Another aspect is the insistence at which they want to make so that these bomb threats are heard by society, are realized. Currently, it is seen that society does not have a corresponding reaction and is not overwhelmed by fear, which was probably the goal. At the same time, society does not appropriately respond to these actions that disturb public order, the comfort of all the people,” she stated.

Zinaida Gribincea noted that when such reports appear, one should think whyt they happen and what players are involved. “If the players and those to whom this is suitable are identified, the answer to the question “when these actions will be stooped?’ can be found. However, when such reports appear in the press so often, the goal can be ultimately achieved and fear reigns.”

Security expert Natalia Albu, Doctor of Political Science, said that the weaknesses revealed by the bomb hoaxes should be examined in the context in which they appear. “These effects are very well used in the context of hybrid warfare. This type of war has long ago conquered the psycho-emotional space at European level and in the Republic of Moldova. Such a war does not aim to conquer or to destabilize the situation on a definite territory. It mainly goes to the exploitation of the mind, the psychological state of the population and not only, and to the thwarting of the reforms initiated by some of the governments inside a state. At the same time, the major objectives of such actions derive not only from the regional situation, which is the war in Ukraine, but also from processes that the Republic of Moldova more insistently promotes, as regards the integration into the European Union. The given acts aim to create internal instability and to distract attention from other major problems,” stated Natalia Albu.

She mentioned the consequences of these incidents for the private or state entities and the overloading of the 112 emergency line as a result of which persons who really need aid cannot receive it on time.

The Agency published 4 news stories on the debate (see the English version of on 25.07.22, „ Bomb threats between dementia, infraction, terrorist act and (geo)politics. IPN debate”- ; “Natalia Albu: Phenomenon of bomb hoaxes is designed to test efficiency of state institutions”;; Zinaida Gribincea: Government should communicate as it is a crisis situation” -; „Igor Boțan: False bomb threats should be viewed in context and treated with extreme caution”;

Valeriu Vasilica, director of IPN


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