Public authorities will have new image in the Internet

The official web pages of public authorities in the Republic of Moldova will function according to common rules. On March 21, the Government approved regulations to that effect. Ministries are obliged to adjust their official websites to the new provisions within 12 months from the date of approval of the document. District councils and mayor’s offices can do it optionally. The e-Government Center will develop, within six months at most, the model-template and design for these pages, and the State Chancellery will monitor the practical application of new regulation, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Center. In accordance with the regulations on official websites of public authorities in the Internet, the websites will be adapted so as to be accessed from any mobile phone and SmartPhone. Access to official websites will be free of charge and open, as before. The only thing is that the authorities reserve the right to render public services for a fee through the sites. At the same time, the official websites have to provide the citizens with the subscription to information of the block of news, events and announcements. The Government recommends that the local public authorities of I and II degrees, which already have web pages, should modify them according to new rules. In accordance with the new regulations, the Special Telecommunications Center will ensure, within half a year at most, the creation of the technical platform for hosting official websites of the central public authorities as well as their further maintenance and development. Also, the Center will maintain and develop pages on the Internet on a contract basis, at the request of the local public authorities. Ministries and other central administrative authorities will adjust their official pages to the provisions of the Government Decision within 12 months. Also, they will constantly ensure management of the informational content of official sites. These institutions will develop and approve the internal regulations on the way of publication and update of information materials on the official web page. Citizens will have the opportunity, through official websites, to interact with the public authorities’ representatives by participating in online discussions, forums and online conferences. Under the regulations, an official web page will work non-stop. Time to suspend its operation for planned technical maintenance will not exceed three hours per month. The content of the official web page will be available in three languages. The Government is committed to ensuring the protection and security of information through certain qualified persons who have expertise in the field of information security and in the regulatory and legal framework of Moldova.

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