Public Amenities Division head accused of promoting persons without experience to posts

The head of the General Public Amenities Division of the Chisinau Municipal Council Ion Burdiumov is accused of wanting to promote persons without experience in the field, who would close the eyes to the irregularities committed at the necropolis in Chisinau, to manage the Animal Protection and Inspection Section.

In a news conference at IPN, Anastasia Cozlovschi, of the Animal Defending Organization “Humane Society”, said that two years ago there were adopted regulations concerning the maintaining of animals with and without an owner and the Animal Protection and Inspection Section was created also then. Since the very beginning, effort has been made to discredit this body. It was to have six employees, but practically “a person and a half” worked there and the workload could not be dealt with. Five months ago, there were employed five persons there. The problem is that the head of the Public Amenities Division Ion Burdiumov wants to name a beginner who does not have experience in animal protection as acting head of the section. What this did was to carry out an inspection at the necropolis and to put off a multitude of projects. As a result of a contest, the post of head of the Public Amenities Division was to be occupied by Ecaterina Pagu, but she withdrew for family reasons.

Anastasia Cozlovschi said that Ion Burdiumov’s favorite Vitalie Voznoi is not suitable for this post. This does not honor his professional duties, but gets a full pay and is protected by Burdiumov. She urged to ensure transparency in the process of appointing the chief of the Animal Protection and Inspection Section so that a specialist who knows the responsibilities and fully fulfills them is named to this post.


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