PSRM requests to declare Traian Basescu persona non-grata in Moldova

The Party of Socialist (PSRM) requests the authorities to declare the ex-President of Romania Traian Basescu persona non-grata on Moldova’s territory, IPN reports.

In a public statement, the Socialists explain that Traian Basescu has become involved in the internal affairs of the state. The PSRM does not specify the actions taken by Traian Baescu that they consider “interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state”.

In the sane statement, the Socialists accuse Traian Basescu of reconstituting the Alliance for European Integration in another format, with the Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Party.

According to the PSRM, the goal is to liquidate Moldova in 2018. “Even if it became obvious that the Republic of Moldova cannot join the EU even in the distant future, the project to unify Romania, which envisions the European integration through the backdoor, became the basic plan of the ruling group,” reads the statement.

The PSRM reiterates the support for the position of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon, concerning the teaching of the History of Moldova in schools, and calls on all the patriotic forces to combine forces to defend Moldova’s statehood and the identity of the Moldovan people.

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