PSRM criticizes President Sandu for non-promulgation of a number of laws

The MPs of the Party of Socialists criticize President Maia Sandu for the non-promulgation of a series of laws, among which is the one that enables the interim Government to sign external financing agreements. As a result, infrastructure projects in a number of settlements cannot be implemented, IPN reports.

Socialist MP Petru Burduja told a news conference that the bill that offers additional powers to the interim Government was adopted on April 26 and was submitted to the President for promulgation. The law hasn’t been yet promulgated. Consequently, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment risks losing external financing for a project to build water supply and sewerage systems in a number of settlements. The negotiations were to be held on May 11-12, but they could not be opened because the law hadn’t been promulgated.

The Ministry of Home Affairs cannot sign an international treaty agreed by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Japan for US$19 million in grant funding for improving the capacities of the intervention teams of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations.

“Also, President Maia Sandu hasn’t yet promulgated the law to repeal “the billion” law and the law to provide compensations for electricity to household users for two months. It’s a pity but the political ambitions are more important for someone. But the ordinary people should not suffer because of this,” saud the MP.

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