Protests in Great National Assembly Square could contract, statements

The protests staged in the Great National Assembly Square could contract owing to some of the leaders of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth”. Such conclusions were formulated by leaders of extra-parliamentary parties in the talk show “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

The head of the People’s Movement “Antimafie” Sergiu Mocanu considers the protests deviated from the initial course. “In spring the protests were different. There was a different situation in the country. We had a minority coalition that reached an agreement with the Communists, a charismatic pro-Russian politician and Ilan Shor under house arrest. The situation changed and the protest leaders were to reformulate the demands. They must put forward a social package. Their goal is to form a political party with many leaders behind,” he stated.

The leader of the Progressive Society Party Marin Livadaru considers the protesters now follow a wrong path. “The Platform “Dignity and Truth” will lose credibility in the nearest future. There is a situation when two persons protect their relatives - Candu protects Plahotniuc, while Nastase – Topa. I think the protesters, most of whom are sincere, are being used. The situation of 2009, when the leaders who supported the crowd became career politicians and forgot about the promises they made, seems to be repeating,” he stated.

Valeriu Plesca, who heads the New Force Party, believes the protest must continue without political leaderism. “Those from the Platform had the courage to take the people out to protest and we should support them. But the protest must continue without political leaderism, without someone boasting and attributing all the merits to themselves,” he said.

The leader of the Socialist People’s Party Victor Stepaniuc said the parties of the left should join the protesters and should help the organizers work out a package of social demands. “It is a protest that united the split society. We must join efforts and help the Platform “Dignity and Truth”,” he stated. 

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