Protesters to picket National Anticorruption Center

The people who have protested in the Great National Assembly Square for nine days will picket the National Anticorruption Center on September 15. Protesters’ leaders presented the agenda of the events scheduled for the next few days, which includes the picketing of state institutions and an automobile march, IPN reports.

“Today we should be as many as possible so that we try and make Chetraru (Viorel Chetraru, director of the National Anticorruption Center - e.n.) tender his resignation of honor,” said the head of the Great National Assembly Council Andrei Nastase.

The members of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth” said that besides the protest in front of the National Anticorruption Center, they will also picket the Residence of the President of Moldova on September 16, at 7:30. The event was entitled “Waking up President Timofti”. Every day at 3pm, they will picket the Government Building where the Cabinet is to hold ordinary meetings.

Among protesters’ demands is also the immediate convening of a Parliament sitting where members of the Great National Assembly Council will familiarize the MPs with the Proclamation adopted on September 6 and with information about the sociopolitical situation in Moldova.

On September 20, starting at 12 midday, the protesters will stage a large-scale automobile march.

  • andrei nastase despre agenda.mp3
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