Protest near Government Building: Down with corruption!

A number of Nistru war veterans on November 9 mounted a protest in front of the Government Building, complaining that even if the authorities made a lot of promises to them, these did nothing for those who fought for the integrity of the state. The veterans chanted: “Shame!”, “Down with corruption!”, “Thieves!”, IPN reports.

Andrei Colța said they protest against the functionaries who do not deliver their promises to the war veterans, like admission to hospitals on the first request and provision of dwellings. The problems are not solved because thieves work in state institutions and they rob the state, the veterans, the pensioners and the entire population.

The head of the Movement of Transnistrian Refugees Anatolie Bîzgu said the Premier’s National Council for Problems of War Veterans, of which he forms part, hasn’t met since the start of June. The problems formulated by the veterans remained unsolved. The action plan “Memory. Honor. Respect” that was drafted a year ago wasn’t approved.

Anatolie Bîzgu noted there are court decisions to provide war veterans and persons who worked in the police force with dwellings, but these decisions are not implemented. The veterans asked that the funerals of veterans should be free of charge, while those who were conferred state awards should be buried with military honors.

The protesters demanded that the National Council for Problems of War Veterans should hold a meeting without delay.

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