Protest in Chisinau: “Keep silent and eat!”

Young members of the Party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS), alongside the party’s Women’s Organization, marched through the center of Chisinau on the occasion of the International Children’s Day celebrated on June 1. They showed thus their dissatisfaction with the quality of food in schools and kindergartens. The marchers walked along one of the sidewalks of the central boulevard, from the intersection with Ismail St up to the Government Building, where they left a letter addressed to Prime Minister Pavel Filip, IPN reports.

PAS Youth chairman Dan Perciun said they demand to amend the legislation so as to enable parents to monitor the quality of food products supplied to schools and kindergartens, to ask for information about the period of validity of products, to examine their exterior and to even taste the food given to children.

The participants in the march also requested to increase the salaries of cooks and cook assistants, which not get 1,200 and 1,000 lei respectively, at least up to the minimum subsistence level.

If the demands stipulated in the letter are not fulfilled, the signatories intend to launch a nationwide campaign to collect signatures in support of their demands.

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