Prosecutor in Ion Perju’s case expects trial to end by summer

Valeriu Mosneaga, the prosecutor in the case of the suspended police officer Ion Perju, who is accused of causing the death of Valeriu Boboc on the night of April 8, 2009, anticipates that the trial end by summer. He told IPN that during the almost three years since the trial started, there were questioned almost 40 persons. In the next hearing, the defense will provide some more proofs. The pleadings may be presented in a hearing afterward.

Valeriu Mosneaga said the case was examined in accordance with all the legal norms and there were no delays. “It is a complex case that’s why it has lasted for so long,” he stated.

Ion Perju was suspended from post. He was indicted and cannot leave the place of residence until the court passes judgment. Perju pleads not guilty and says that his former colleagues from the Criminal Police are those who want to see him behind bars.

On April 7, it is four years of the large-scale protests staged by young people in the center of Chisinau. Thousands of people took then to the streets to protest against the results of the April 5 legislative elections, considering them fixed. The protests degenerated into rioting and the Parliament Building and the Presidential Office were devastated. On the night of April 8, thousands of protesters were arrested and ill-treated in police stations. Valeriu Boboc was found dead. After those events, 14 police officers were convicted for exceeding their authority and using torture.

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