Prosecutor General's Office to continue dealing with case of Bulgaru

The case of Grigore Caramalac, alias Bulgarul, will be further probed by the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO). Such a decision was taken by the Supreme Court of Justice following a request made by Prosecutor General Valeriu Zubco, Info-Prim Neo reports. Grigore Caramalac is accused of banditry, complicity in murder attempt, blackmail and appropriation in extremely large amounts. He is internationally wanted. In a communique, the PGO says that the Rascani district court in February obliged the Moldovan prosecutors to sent the file on Grigore Caramalac to the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, which was to take over the case. Moldova's PGO disputed the decision, arguing it does not observe the European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters and the law on international legal assistance in criminal matters. Prosecutor General Valeriu Zubco asked that the judge who passed the decision be punished disciplinarily. The matter will be examined by the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Council of Magistrates.

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