Proposals that can lead to ‘disaster’ in universities

After Parliament adopts the Education Code, the universities will be managed not by the senate, but by a board named by the minister of education. This will happen if the bill is passed in the variant in which it was submitted to the Government for approval. Rector of the State Agrarian University Gheorghe Cimpoies has told IPN that this provision can lead to a ‘disaster’ in universities.

According to the rector, the board will consist of persons from outside universities, who are not concerned about the problems and the future of higher education establishments and their development. The bill provides that the board will have special powers. It will be able to sell property by 2/3 of the votes and to dismiss and appoint the university’s administration. This way, the political class interferes in the affairs of universities. At any time, persons pursuing certain goals may order firing or hiring university managers.

Under the bill, the universities will issue diplomas of doctor of science and diplomas of university lecturer. Earlier, only the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation was empowered to do this. “There will be a disaster in higher education. All people will be professors. This is inadmissible,” said Gheorghe Cimpoies, who suspects hidden interests.

The bill also suggests annulling the scientific degree of doctor habilitate. The rector said this degree should remain as it is a stimulus that promotes the scientific activity in universities. “Otherwise, nobody will deal with science any longer,” stated Gheorghe Cimpoies.

The draft Education Code was sent to the Government for appraisal. After it is approved by the executive, it will be submitted to Parliament for adoption.

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