Prophylactic treatment radically reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission rate

The children born to HIV seropositive mothers are given postnatal prophylactic treatment at a special ward for HIV/AIDS patients established by the National Dispensary for Skin and Venereal Diseases. The Dispensary also provides these children with infant nutrient products, Info-Prim Neo reports, citing a communique from the National TB/AIDS Coordination Council, released on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the ward’s establishment. The ward also provides medical examination services and prophylactic treatment to HIV seropositive mothers in order to prevent mother-to-child transmission. To assist seropositive women during late pregnancy and childbirth, there were created 2 special centers: the Balti-based Perinatal Center, for the northern part of Moldova, and the Chisinau-based Research Institute for Mother-and-Child Protection, for central and southern Moldova. Statistics covering the period 2003-2007 show that only 2 out of 239 children born to seropositive mothers who have been given prophylactic treatment are HIV-infected. Since its establishment in March 2003, the Dispensary’s ward for HIV/AIDS patients has been offering all kind of HIV seropositive persons the possibility of getting treatment.

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