“Promo-LEX” to delegate over 2,000 observers to monitor parliamentary elections

The Association “Promo-LEX” plans to delegate over 2,000 observers to monitor the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. The short- and long-term observers will oversee the pre-electoral and electoral periods and the electoral process on the election day, including at the polling places that will be established abroad.

The first 21 national observers on behalf of “Promo-LEX” were accredited in the October 9 meeting of the Central Election Commission. Contacted by IPN, the Association’s programs director Pavel Postica said the accreditation of observers takes place in stages. The central team that works long before the election day is accredited the first as this monitors the pre-electoral period too.

The long-term observers are then accredited to monitor the pre-electoral and electoral periods in regions and in all the country’s districts. The short-term observes who monitor the electoral process on the election day form part of the third category of observers.

The Association will assign long-term observers at each constituency and short-term observers at each polling place in the country. At least 50 polling places of the 150 that are expected to be established abroad will be covered.

The central team of observers also monitors the behavior of candidates and political parties. In the pre-electoral period, they monitor the normative framework, the adjustments made to the legislation on the last 100 meters and cases of use of administrative resources for electoral purposes.

“Traditionally, before the elections, all the governments, and this is not typical of the Republic of Moldova only, tend to profit from their position and to modify the legal framework so as to create more favorable conditions for them in elections. The changes refer to the cutting of taxes, salary raises, etc. We should weigh them and see if they have an electoral connotation or well-justified economic argumentation, if we live well and can do such things,” stated Pavel Postica.


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