Project conducted to prevent trafficking in persons and domestic violence in Rezina

The Business Consulting Institute (BCI) is implementing an UNDP-funded project titled “Human Security: Prevention of trafficking in persons and domestic violence” in six communities in Rezina district, Info-Prim Neo reports. The time-frame of the project is June 2009 to April 2010 and its beneficiaries are the town of Rezina and the villages of Papauti, Meseni, Ignatei, Saharna Noua and Tareuca. The goal of the project is to improve the capacities of the local administrations and the civil society in ensuring that their communities live a life free of threats and instances of domestic violence and trafficking in persons. Another objective will be to enhance the access of the victims to a full range of quality services, including medical, psychological, social, legal, career counseling, etc., said Veaceslav Bulat, expert at BCI. The main phase of the project will be to develop strategies with focus on upgrading the local authorities' capacity to provide social protection and deal with domestic violence as well as potential cases of human trafficking. The local authorities will be provided with financing of $3,000 to $7,000 to strengthen their capacities of strategy planning, budget planning, service provision and to ensure transparency. The program will finalize with projects being implemented in each particular community to enhance human security. Based on the priorities identified by the Participatory Councils, each community will be awarded grants of $5,000 to $10,000 to launch new services of social assistance, create new jobs, improve education, medical services or for other community development purposes. Similar projects will be implemented in four other districts: Anenii-Noi, Soldanesti, Vulcanesti and Grigoriopol.

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