Process of selecting acting prosecutor general is fast-tracked, SCP

The president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors Angela Motuzoc said the process of selecting an acting prosecutor general is being fast-tracked. Even if the law stipulates a five-day period for announcing the candidate, the procedure was launched today (one day of the suspension of Alexandr Stoianoglu). There were identified two candidates for the post of acting prosecutor general - Dumitru Robu and Victoria Furtună – who were proposed by the SCP members. The candidates were invited to present their viewpoints in the Council’s meeting starting at 3:30pm, IPN reports.

“The law on the prosecution service was amended and the given selection of the acting prosecutor general implies the identification of candidates, obtaining of their consent, which was already obtained, expression of the viewpoint. Afterward, the Council will have deliberations to choose and propose the candidate to the Head of State,” Angela Motuzoc stated when answering journalists’ questions.

The acting prosecutor general will be elected by a majority of votes of SCP members.

Minister of Justice Sergiu Litvinenco, SCP member, suggested Dumitru Robu, but noted that this is not related somehow to the Party of Action and Solidary. He said he wants the case of Alexandr Stoianogo to be handled in compliance with the law.

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