The Pro-Ortodoxia Association calls upon Prime Minister Vlad Filat to give up promoting the antidiscrimination bill. According to the organization’s head, priest Ghenadie Valuta, nobody accepts this law and if the Premier does not change his position, he will have to struggle with the whole society, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Ghenadie Valuta told a news conference that the European Union should not insist on the phrase ‘sexual orientation’. “In fact, we fight against this phase, not against the law. It is amoral for a nation to recognize the sexual minorities,” said the priest.
He welcomed the statements made by the Head of Parliament Marian Lupu and the leader of the Liberal Party Mihai Ghimpu, who said, according to the priest, that they will not allow adopting the law. The only one who is interested in the adoption of the Antidiscrimination Law is Vlad Filat, who asked the EU to oblige Moldova to pass this law, said Ghenadie Valuta.
On the occasion of the Holy Synod, which Pro-Ortodoxie was authorized to ask from the Metropolitan Church by collecting 2 000 signatures, there were invited university lecturers from Greece to tell about the steps taken by them to prevent the recognition of the sexual minorities.
The members of Pro-Ortodoxie consider that Moldova should follow the example of the countries that knew how to peacefully avoid the recognition of the sexual minorities by law. They gave as example Slovenia and Ireland, which rejected a similar law by referendum.
Lecturer of the Athens Theological University Gheorghe Metallinos said that Greece managed to prevent the adoption of such a law owing to the unity of the faithful. He also said that the sexual minorities should be treated with indulgence and compassion as the sexual deviations are considered diseases. “Christian society in Greece said a big NO to this law, including by different public events – protests, conference, marches and interviews – to which the political power fortunately reacted,” he stated.
Adopting the Antidiscrimination Law is a condition imposed by the EU for liberalizing the visa regime. Controversy over this bill appeared owing to the phrase ‘sexual orientation’, which is not accepted by some of the people, who believe that by this law the sexual minorities are given the right to show their sexual orientation.