Privatization and Concession Investigation Commission approved the preliminary report

The members of the Commission of Inquiry for the analysis of organization and conduct of the privatization and concession of public property (2013-2019) approved the preliminary report to be presented in the Parliament, IPN reports.

At the meeting on October 22, the members of the commission completed the hearings of employees from the Public Property Agency, the administration of the "Modern Bus Stations" and "CTC Tobacco".

Maria Șendilă, head of Public-Private Partnership Directorate within the Public Property Agency, said during the hearings that, from the institution's point of view, the privatization of "Auto Stations" SC was carried out in compliance with the legal framework. "If it is to estimate the benefits for the state, which received only one million lei a year in the budget, after the signing of the contract, it will obtain 5 million annually, with a 5% increase," specified Maria Șendrilă.

Iurie Moroz, manager of "Modern Bus Stations", has mentioned that of the 35 million lei that the company committed to invest annually, from the beginning of 2019 until now investments of 10.5 million lei have been made, and other 5 million lei will be made available immediately. “Of 30 bus stations, 18 have negative financial results. So far, there have been no complaints from transporters regarding the management of the bus stations”, said Iurie Moroz.

Another item on the agenda of the Commission of inquiry concerned the privatization of "CTC Tutun". Iurie Ușurelu, chairman of the Board of directors of CTC Tutun during 2016-2019, said that although the company had a good profit, it did not have budget support. "Cigarette production was influenced by international commitments, according to which we had to reduce the production and import of cigarettes," said Iurie Ușurelu.

Former chairman of the Board of Directors of "CTC Tutun" mentioned that, in 2018, the company was put in a position to no longer be able to sell due to competition.

Following the hearings, Igor Munteanu, has specified that the task of the Commission of Inquiry for the analysis of organization and conduct of the privatization and concession of public property (2013-2019) is to supplement the report with the information from the hearings of October 22 next week, in order to submit it later at the Parliament's plenary.


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