
Briefness first and foremost – May 17, 2019 IPN digest


The ex-president of the Constitutional Court Victor Pușcaș considers the CC decision on the impossibility for the President to nominate a candidate for Prime Minister is correct and derives from the Constitution. The jurist noted this decision does not answer a very simple question. “Many today do not understand who should convoke Parliament, who should bring the MPs together and what the agenda is,” stated the ex-president of the CC.

Doctor of constitutional law Alexandru Arseni said that by a previous decision according to which the legislature’s activity is not continued if no majority is formed and by the recent decision concerning the President’s incapability to nominate a candidate for premiership, the Constitutional Court blocked not only the activity of Parliament, but also the possibility for the President to suggest a candidate for Prime Minister when no majority is formed in the legislative body. “We reached a complete stalemate following these decisions on the interpretation of the Constitution, which are absolutely illegal and have no legal basis,” stated Alexandru Arseni. According to him, the eldest MP is obliged to chair the Parliament sittings nonstop, until the Speaker is elected.

For the Eastern Partnership to expand, at least one country should ome very close to the European Union at the moment and this is Moldova, stated MEP Norica Nicolai. According to her, she has reservations as to the fact that Ukraine could come closer to the EU. “I don’t think the Russian presence could be removed from this country in the nearest future and Ukraine will be able to cover the European road at an accelerated pace. But the Republic of Moldova has this chance and we should thus stimulate it,” stated Norica Nicolai.

The Competition Council opened an inquiry following the recent simultaneous rise in fuel prices at a number of oil companies. It noted the simultaneous move generates suspicions that the oil sellers didn’t act independently and thus decided to probe the allegations of a cartel agreement. As a result of the price increase, the association “City Without Maxi-Taxis” announced a protest entitled “I’m against the rise in fuel prices!”.

Moldova today signed an amended version of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the American state of North Carolina. The partnership also gets a 5-year extension. “We have a partnership which this year marks 20 years, and naturally this calls for stock-taking and for setting out priorities for the next period”, Prime Minister Pavel Filip stated during the signing ceremony. In education, the prime minister noted that the partnership helped over a thousand students and teachers get training and scholarships. In defense and security, in the last few years alone over a thousand military men from Moldova were able to participate in drills and training courses organized by the North Carolina National Guard. Humanitarian cooperation is also an important component of this partnership, says the prime minister, with a multitude of charity projects implemented.

The Journalist’s Deontological Code of the Republic of Moldova in completed version was published on the website of the Press Council. The complete version of the Journalist’s Deontological Code consists of 89 articles and a preamble where there are specified the values of the profession of journalist. The Code has seven chapters: General principles; Ensuring of accuracy of information; Protection of human rights; Journalist and the conflict of interests; Special techniques and equipment for collecting information; Mutual obligations between journalists and employers, and Self-regulation. The Press Council of Moldova, which adopts ascertaining decisions and formulates recommendations, will monitor the implementation of the Code and examine the violations of its provisions.

Chisinau’s leading producer of electricity and heat & hot water utility Termoelectrica plans to invest about 500 million lei ($28M) this summer to improve generation facilities and modernize supply networks. All these efforts, says the company, will make production more effective and supply more stable, and more importantly, will increase electricity output to reduce the country’s dependence on imports.

Moldova’s representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019, Ana Odobescu, didn’t qualify for the final that will take place in Tel Aviv on May 18.

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