
Briefness first and foremost – June 5, 2019 IPN digest


According to statistics, over 5,000 special investigative measures were authorized last year, including wiretapping, visual following and supervision of the domicile. Lecturer of the Police Academy “Ștefan cel Mare” Boris Glavan said the law on special investigative activity runs counter to other acts and the investigation officers often cannot do their job. According to Valeriu Cuşnir, university professor at the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, the current law allows for exaggerations. Until 2012, the applied special investigative measures were public, but now these are used rather in secret. The opinions were stated in a roundtable meeting staged by the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research.

Iurie Ușurelu, state secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, during the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network in Europe and Central Asia, taking place in Chisinau on June 5 and 6, said agriculture will not become profitable as long as the cultivated crops don’t sell well. Currently over 60% of exports go to the EU markets. The focus is on exploring new markets, with China being a desirable destination in this respect. “China is currently one of the most stable importers of quality Moldovan wines. 12% of all wines exported from Moldova are now on the Chinese market,” the state secretary says.

Politologist Alexandru Solcan said the visits paid by the foreign officials generally had an impact on the decisions of some of the parties. The PSRM and ACUM returned to discussions after they talked with Dmitry Kozak, who said that snap elections will anyway take place sooner or later and the electoral system should be changed. “Those from the Bloc ACUM were promised or they imagined that the Socialists will be more flexible and will accept their conditions after the discussions with Kozak,” the politologist stated in the program “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel.

Andrei Popov, director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives, said the period of three months after the parliamentary elections showed there are dynamics in society and what seemed impossible three-four months ago is now possible. Any kind of cooperation between the Bloc ACUM and the Party of Socialists was earlier excluded. Now society wants such cooperation and this is a powerful signal. Political commentator Vlad Țurcanu noted the Socialists felt obliged to take part in these discussions following the statements made by Dmitry Kozak, but not with the open heart. “The Socialists would like to get rid of the Democratic Party’s grip, but with the hands of the Bloc ACUM. They do not have much maneuvering space,” stated the commentator.

President Igor Dodon said the National Council of the Party of Socialists, which is to take a decision as to the Democratic Party’s proposal to form a coalition, could take place in the evening of June 6 or on June 7. He noted the initial stake of the Bloc ACUM was not to come to power, but to remain in the opposition. ACUM was sure the Party of Socialists will form a coalition with the Democratic Party.

The president of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Andrei Năstase, co-president of the Bloc ACUM, said the snap parliamentary elections are the highest probability. According to him, the PSRM and the PDM do not want to assume the formalization of an alliance because particular pressure is exerted from outside and Igor Dodon uses this pressure as an argument to refuse forming a coalition as he knows very well that the snap elections under the current electoral system benefit Plahotniuc and the PDM.

Western analyst Vladimir Socor said the Constitutional Court (CC) could adopt a decision to extend the time limit for forming a parliamentary coalition that is to expire in several days. Speaking about the consultations between the MPs of the Bloc ACUM and those of the Party of Socialists, Vladimir Socor said ACUM considers any long-term coalition with the PSRM makes no sense as this is doomed to failure. “A coalition is one thing, but a common vote in Parliament to launch the de-oligarchization procedures proposed by the Bloc ACUM”.

Common patrolling of the Moldovan-Romanian border started on June 5. Mixed teams formed of two Romanian border police officers and one Moldovan officer will supervise the border on the territory of the two states. Common patrolling is envisioned in the protocol on the constitution and work of mixed state border patrol teams that was signed in Bucharest last November.

Eggs put on sale should have the identification number of the production unit and the period of minimum durability instead of the egg laying date on them. The National Food Safety Agency said the identification number of the production unit looks like this – 3MD YY 001. Digit 3 means the bird growing system, MD – the country’s code, YY – the district’s name and 001 – the code of the marking or packing center. The traders are also obliged to mark on the egg the period of minimum durability – DDM xx.00.19. DDM is the period of minimum durability, xx – the date, 00 – the month and 19 – the year.

More than 170,000 people living in the districts of Strășeni and Călărași will have access to high-quality drinking water following the construction of the Chisinau-Strășeni-Călărași water pipeline. For implementing this project, the Government of Germany allocated €15 million in non-reimbursable assistance. A number of 53 km of water pipes are to be built as part of the project. At the first stage, the pipeline will supply high-quality water to 30,000 inhabitants of Strășeni and Călărași towns. At the second stage, more localities of the two districts will be connected to the pipeline so that 170,000 residents of these districts will gain access to drinking water.

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