Prime Minister meets with district presidents

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet has had a meeting behind closed doors at the Government with the district presidents. Afterwards, he told the press that they talked about the beginning of the new school year and about the development of the budget for 2016. He hopes to hold such meetings every month, IPN reports.

As regards the financial problems reported by the representatives of public local authorities, Strelet said that there is one billion lei in the accounts for first and second level local authorities, money previously unused and currently available. He also urged the district presidents to manage the funds carefully.

Ion Ciontoloi, president of Causeni district, said that the Prime Minister asked them to use the money for paying wages and community utility bills. So far, Causeni district has had no problems in this regard, he noted.

Ghenadie Buza, president of Hancesti district, complained that his district had to deal with debts accumulated for previously started projects and now has to find one million lei to finish them. In this regard, he hopes to have a more profound collaboration with the government.

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