Prices have risen 4.4% since January

The prices of food products, nonfood products and services over January-February this year have increased by 4.4%. The consumer price index in February was 102.1% on January and 106.1% on February 2009, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the National Bureau of Statistics. Among food products, the prices of fresh vegetables increased by 15.2% (onion – by 53.8%, beet - by 21.1%, carrots – by 16.2%, cabbage – by 11.5%), sugar – by 10.2%, vegetal oil – by 3.6%, fresh fruit – by 3.3%, fish and dairy products – by 2.8%. At the same time, the price of eggs decreased by 12.0%, of meat and meat products – by 1.0% (beef – by 4.0%, pork – by 3.3%, mutton – by 3.9%). Fuel in February grew dearer by 4.0% (liquified petroleum gas – by 5.3%, fuels for vehicles – by 5.7%), detergents – by 3.5%, medications – by 3.0%, golden jewels – by 2.6%. The public utilities last month increased in price by 6.9% (electricity tariffs – by 10.7%, heat charges – by 8.7%, gas prices – by 5.8%), the theater tickets - by 16.7%, while the services in kindergartens - by 3.3%.

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