Price of potatoes in shops is twice higher than producers’ price

The potato harvest in Moldova this year was good, but the neighboring countries face a shortage of potatoes. Therefore, some of the shops that import packed potatoes from other states sell them at almost twice higher prices than Moldovan producers’ prices. The head of the Potato Growers Association Petru Iliev has told IPN that a kilogram of potatoes from the producer costs 4.5-5 lei, while in some shops - 9-10 lei.

“It would be not right to say that the harvest was poor, as it was rather good. Some of the producers in northern Moldova are able to export potatoes to the neighboring countries. But they do not really want to pay taxes,” stated the potato growers’ leader.

Asked if Moldova will not face a shortage of potatoes in spring, Petru Iliev said this may happen only if the producers export potatoes illegally. “The price may rise slightly, but there will be no major increases. I refer to the producers as the situation in stores is different,” he added.

About 120,000 tonnes of potatoes have been harvested in Moldova this year. The harvest was by 30% larger than last year.

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