Pretests for ninth and twelfth graders begin

Pretests for students in the ninth and twelfth grades start. The Ministry of Education and Research said the testing aims to determine the students' degree of preparation for exams, and the written papers are not graded, IPN reports.

About 29,000 secondary school students and 19,000 high school students will sit the pretests.

"The students of the graduate classes can prepare for the exams, including based on the tests that were solved by former graduates. Both the exam programs and the tests used in 2010-2024 are published on the website of the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation and can be accessed by all those interested,” said the Agency’s director Lilia Ivanov.

The pretests will take place between March 24 and April 4. All tests and assessment scales will be posted on the day of pretests on the Agency’s website.

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