The Press Council has a new composition. The members were elected at an open contest. The Council includes nine persons who are chosen for a two-year term and work based on volunteer principles, IPN reports.
The new members are: Viorica Zaharia, proposed by the Independent Journalism Center, Alina Turcanu, suggested by Radio Free Europe Office in Chisinau, Iulia Semionova, proposed by the Association of Russian Language Journalists, Ecaterina Jekova, suggested by the editorial staff of the portal, and Dumitru Tira, proposed by Realitatea TV channel and the Electronic Press Association.
As representatives of the consumers of media products, there were chosen Ludmila Andronic, proposed by the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the State University of Moldova, Inga Burlacu, suggested by a group of media consumers, Olga Manole, fielded by a group of media consumers and by the Association “Promo-LEX”, and Vitalie Zama, proposed by a group of media consumers.
The first meeting of the Press Council in the new composition will take place this November.
The commission to choose Press Council members included five persons. Two of these represented the founders of the Press Council, one was a member of the National NGO Council, one represented the People’s Ombudsman and one the commission on culture, education and mass media of Parliament.