President Igor Dodon during the next few days will present his initiative to amend the Constitution so that the Head of State is empowered to dissolve Parliament in other conditions than the current ones. Igor Dodon said that if the constitutional amendment proposal is not passed in Parliament, he will initiate a referendum on the issue. For his part, Head of Parliament Andrian Candu considers an eventual referendum is useless and inopportune. Statements for the press were made after the President, Speaker and Prime Minister had a trilateral meeting, IPN reports.
“I’m for holding early parliamentary elections as most of the people of the Republic of Moldova want this,” stated Igor Dodon. According to him, the Constitution can be modified in two ways – to allow only dissolving Parliament and to conceptually amend the Constitution and create the presidential state.
As to a possible referendum on amending the Constitution, Andrian Candu said this would be useless and inopportune. “We consider that the parliamentary republic is a suitable model for Moldova. The Republic of Moldova already has a history and a rather bad experience of semi-presidential or presidential republic and of struggles for powers,” stated the Speaker.
Andrian Candu noted that the Constitution and the legislation provide all the powers and mechanisms needed for the three powers of the state to work well and in a coordinated way, either it is about the opposition or the government. The early elections are inopportune given that the current legislature served half of its term already. Moldova needs stability, economic growth, predictability and certainty in all the process and any early election or referendum will destabilize Moldova and will make it less attractive for investment.