President Sandu discusss challenges with representatives of NGOs

President Maia Sandu discussed concerns about the security, economy, stability and the democratic and European future of the state with representatives of civil society, IPN reports.

According to the President’s Office, the meeting was held in the context of the challenges faced by the Republic of Moldova. It centered on the situation of the NGO sector, including the difficulties faced by NGOs.

Maia Sandu underlined the necessity of a predictable financial framework that would support the activity of civic society organizations and allow them to contribute to democratic processes and community development. She also referred to the civil society’s role in the process of developing policies and carrying out projects that meet the needs of citizens.

"Nongovernmental organizations contribute to strengthening social cohesion and building a resilient society, and consultations with representatives of civil society are part of the joint effort to strengthen social cohesion and advance the European path of the Republic of Moldova," reads the press release issued by the President’s Office.

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