Premier seeks reorganization of Emergency Medical Assistance Service

Prime Minister Pavel Filip instructed the Ministry of Health, Labor and Special Protection to reorganize the Emergency Medical Assistance Service and to work out a plan of measures to this effect in two weeks, IPN reports.

“Doctors talk about those who call and are in situations of crisis with contempt and arrogance. I’m absolutely convinced that the key problem resides not in the lack of money, but in the attitude some have when they do their job and this attitude left me without replies,” stated the Premier.

Statistics show a case is managed during 50 minutes to an hour. This means that an emergency team can deal with only eight calls an hour. “This is done on purpose so as to take a coffee break and to have a rest. A manager will definitely wonder: How efficiently these medical vehicles and teams are used? The situation is very serious,” stated Pavel Filip, demanding that the new Minister of Health Silvia Radu should come up with solutions.

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