Premier seeks measures in insecticide poisoning case

Prime Minister Pavel Filip requested the competent authorities to take severe measures in relation to the persons who are responsible for the poisoning with an insecticide of 31 students of “Ion Creanga” Lyceum of Cuizauca village of Rezina district, IPN reports.

“I also asked making an approach to prosecutors because, as I said, I will not accept a person who breaks the law and does not carry out his duties to escape with a simple dismissal. These should be held accountable for violating the rules and the law,” Pavel Filip said in a press briefing.

The Premier described this case as a serious one, saying the Government will not tolerate such cases. “I had a discussion with Minister of Health Ruxanda Glavan on the issue. She said that she made an order to discharge the sanitary doctor of Rezina,” he stated.

On March 9, 31 children of the lyceum of Cuizauca were poisoned when a child broke a bottle with an insecticide. A similar case happened on March 4, when 14 students of the same school were poisoned in the same way.

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