Premier requests to analyze legislation based on which elections were invalidated

Prime Minister Pavel Filip instructed the Ministry of Justice to carry out an analysis of the legal framework based on which the decisions to invalidate the Chisinau mayoral elections were taken and to formulate proposals for improving this so as not to allow deviations in the electoral process in the future. The request was made in the June 29 meeting of the Cabinet and the Premier offered time until July 3 to implement it, IPN reports.

Pavel Filip said the decisions to invalidate the elections caused a number of tensions in society and reactions on the part of the foreign partners and the legislation in the field should be thus analyzed. “We should understand what in the electoral legislation is ok and what is not and why the actions were classed as electoral agitation and should see if some of the provisions should be excluded from the law,” he stated.

The Premier noted his request is not interference in the work of the judiciary. The legislation should be improved so that it does not leave room for interpretation to judges. A parliamentary working group will be set up to identify solutions to improve the electoral legislation.

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