Premier reiterates readiness to discuss with protesters

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet reasserted his readiness to have discussions with the people protesting in the Great National Assembly Square, but said that these should synthetize their proposals and demands and should submit them to the Government. “We expressed our readiness to sit at the negotiating table with the protesters at any moment, if they want to discuss other subjects besides the resignations,” stated the Premier, quoted by IPN.

“The insults shouted at me and the tone of the discussions that is insistently promoted in the Great National Assembly Square make me believe that they try to ‘burn’ any bridge. We will overcome this frustration and reiterate our readiness to discuss with protesters,” stated Valeriu Strelet.

According to the Premier, if the protesters do not submit proposals the coming days, the Government will present its own roadmap with the steps that must be taken to improve the state of affairs. “We hope to be understood by the protesters and that we will be able to agree together the calendar of these actions,” he said.

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