Prime Minister Ion Chicu requested to draft a decision for the Central Market in Chisinau to be closed if the municipal enterprise’s administration does not take measures to ensure the observance of the imposed sanitary norms within three days, IPN reports.
At the start of the June 3 meeting of the Cabinet, Premier Chicu said that together with the lifting of the state of emergency, there were adopted a number of relaxation measures and a series of economic activities were allowed. As the population does not respect authorities’ recommendations, the number of infections with the novel coronavirus has increased.
“At the Central Market, it seems that the people do not know about the pandemic and the virus,” he stated.
Premier Chicu instructed Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Viorica Dumbrăveanu to daft a decision on the closure of the Central Market. The bill is to be examined at the next meeting of the National Extraordinary Commission for Public Health. If the Market’s administration does not take steps to ensure the obeying of the rules until then, the Central Market will be closed.
The Central Market was closed on March 17 together with the declaring of the state of emergency. It was reopened on June 1.