Women can give birth in the maternity hospital of their choice, regardless of the place of residence or domicile. Exception is made when there are medical recommendations to respect the principles of regionalization and inclusion of pregnant women in the perinatal medical assistance system, the Ministry of Health said in a response to an IPN inquiry about the package of services covered by the mandatory health insurance policy in case of birth giving.
The women can also choose the obstetrician-gynecologist of the hospital of their choice, by obtaining his preliminary consent. This is done by a written application that is signed by the pregnant woman and the obstetrician-gynecologist who assumes responsibility for providing medical assistance during delivery.
Though the Ministry of Health says the woman can choose to give birth in a private hospital based on the health insurance policy, if this institution signed a relevant contract with the National Health Insurance Company, the Company specified that now it does not sign contracts for the provision of delivery-related services in private health facilities.
Even if the woman gives birth in a public maternity hospital, based on the health insurance policy, she can ask to be allowed to be assisted by a close person. If the pregnancy physically went normally, the woman is healthy and there are no threats to the life of the child, she goes to the maternity hospital when the first contractions come. The hospitalization decision is taken based on medical examinations.
The Ministry of Health noted that in the Republic of Moldova, as in most of the countries, caesarian is performed when there are medical recommendations, not when the pregnant woman asks. In case of caesarian section, the assisting close person stays near the surgery ward and then near the newborn baby until the cesarean is completed, being supervised by a midwife in the delivery ward.
In the Republic of Moldova, there are 37 district perinatal centers. The Mother and Child Institute in Chisinau has a maternity hospital where women from all the districts and municipalities of the country can give birth. In Chisinau, there is also the maternity hospital of Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 and Municipal Maternity No. 2.