PPPDA protests against initiative on tax amnesty

The Political Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” (PPPDA) mounted a protest in central Chisinau. The demonstrators protested against the bill on capital liberalization and tax amnesty. These demanded that the Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu should resign and that the authors of the bill should be prosecuted. The protesters went to the Parliament Building and the National Anticorruption Center, where they chanted antigovernment slogans.

According to the party’s deputy chairman Alexandru Slusari, this draft law actually legalizes ill-gotten gains. Civil society is dissatisfied with the fact that the bill was promoted at a cosmic speed. It was discussed with the so-called civil society for several days and then passed in the first reading.

“The National Anticorruption Center criticized the bill in its appraisal note. The authors of the bill include the Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu, three MPs of the Democratic Party, one Liberal MP and one Communist MP. Normally, in any civilized country, after such an appraisal, the Speaker should resign. The National Anticorruption Center, the Prosecutor’s Office should take legal action against the authors of this bill and demand that Parliament should withdraw their immunity. An investigation should be launched to see on what the bill is based,” Alexandru Slusari stated for IPN.

No representative of the picketed institutions went out to discuss with protesters.

The National Anticorruption Center disapproved of the bill on capital liberalization and tax amnesty and recommended that this should be withdrawn from the Parliament’s agenda. It invoked the violation of the principle of transparency in the decision-making process as the draft law was published on the legislature’s website on December 1, public consultations on it were held on December 14 and the bill was passed in the first reading on December 16. As a result of the negative reaction of civil society, Speaker Andrian Candu, who is one of the initiative authors, assured that the draft law will not be adopted in the final reading until it is not appraised by the IMF, the World Bank and European institutions.

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