The Political Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” (PPPDA) condemns and denies the accusations made by a blogger against the party’s deputy chairwoman Aliona Mandati, who is also an agricultural producer. The woman was accused of illegally obtaining agricultural subsidies. The PPPDA says the accusations are unfounded and were disseminated by the TV channels close to the Democratic Party (PDM).
In a news conference at IPN on April 20, Aliona Mandati said accusations were made against her because she defected from the PDM to the PPPDA. She noted that during seven years she received 7.8 million lei in agricultural subsidies from the state and inspectors of the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) verified the investments made in the two companies she manages after she got subsidies and identified no violations.
Aliona Mandati stated she will sue the blogger who accused her. “I received no leu in agricultural subsidies by illegal schemes. The AIPA carried out inspections at my companies just recently and found no deviation,” she said.
“It is a groundless attack staged against Aliona Mandati only because she becomes involved in politics and has a position on the ruling regime. She became a public figure and the regime thus attacks her,” said PPPDA deputy chairman Alexandru Slusari.
Another deputy chairman of the party Kirill Motpan stated there are no proofs to substantiate the accusations that were made with the aim of intimidating Aliona Mandati.