Poverty rate in Moldova to fall 22% by 2014

The absolute poverty rate in Moldova will decrease by 22% by 2014. The Gross Domestic Product over the next four years is to grow annually by 5%, while exports will increase by 8%. This is stipulated in the Government’s Action Plan for 2012-2015 that was approved on April 18, 2011, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the executive, these results will be achieved by demonopolizing the home market and eliminating the anti-competition practices in commercial transactions, ensuring access to loans for developing the business sector, stimulating the capital market, improving the management of public finances, and simplifying the taxation system. The Action Plan envisions reducing the number of tax payments from 48 to 35 and of hours needed to perform the procedures for making the payments from 228 to 215 in the medium term. The plan includes 473 measures classified into 12 categories. It aims to ensure the implementation of the Government’s work program “European Integration: Freedom, Democracy, Welfare” for 2011-2014, the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020”, and the commitments made to the development partners, and to set up a framework of polices needed for medium-term budget planning.

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